Making a List (The Wishes)
- Nice digital camera
- New wardrobe for entire family
- Subscription to Ethel M's year of chocolate
- Replacements for the bucket of jewelry the TSA guy in Vegas stole
- A second honeymoon
- Brand-new computer
- TM to graduate!
- Job with a good salary
- Health insurance
- Book contract
- New house
Checking It Twice (More Realistic)
- Get the year's worth of film developed (i.e., $$)
- Couple of outfits that are less than 10 years old for me, couple pairs of pants for TM
- A pound or two of decent chocolate
- Reset the stone back into TM's wedding ring (i.e., $$)
- A babysitter maybe once a month so TM and I can go out sometimes
- Replace bulb in my dad's laptop he's been loaning me (again, $$)
- TM to pass all his classes
- Just enough money to pay our medical bills
- Get this dang-blasted cavity filled; it's killing me! (Once again, $$$$)
- Just to finish the halfway decent novels I've started writing (there are two)
- Insulation or at least heavy curtains in the punkins' bedroom; repairing the electrical wiring in the master bedroom would be a treat, too.
- Tons of memories (and photos) of my adventures from past years
- Warm clothes for the kids in this Arctic weather
- A neighbor who brings me Hershey's chocolate just because
- A husband who thinks I'm beautiful no matter what I wear
- Plans to marry my husband all over again
- Parents who'll lend me a laptop for over a year
- A college education, and children who value the concept
- The ability to still make a little money here and there
- A LOT less stress than when I was employed
- Local library with thousands of books I haven't read yet
- A roof over my head-- and my children's. The value of that alone is beyond measure.
Number 3, pound of good chocolate: check! Thanks, Kory!
Update as of 12/21: Things are looking good!
#1, check!
#2, check!
#3, check!
#4, probably.
#5, possibly.
#6, check!
#7, don't ask.
#8, check!
#9, probably.
#10, I'll have to work hard at, but I'll get there.
#11 could happen, too. Hooray!
And I got a gorgeous digital camera, too! Thanks much to my wonderful parents!
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