Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tell Me Something...

.... when I say "Piggly Wiggly," what do you think of? (OK, when you stop snorting with laughter and talking like Dolly Parton...) More to the point, where do you think of? Sheboygan, Wisconsin? Me neither.


Scone said...

Heh, not at the moment. I tease him sometimes about Piggly Wiggly being such a Southern thing that only a Southerner can pronounce it correctly. (It's one of the few things he says with any sort of an accent.) I think what made him look it up was someone in our house wondering whether it was too rural and Southern to have such a modern thing as a Web site. Lo and behold, it did.

KoryO said...

I was actually kind of bummed to NOT find a Piggly Wiggly around here. We got Winn Dixie, why no Piggly?

Not that I'd be willing to abandon the Publix Empire. That store is cool! ;)

Scone said...

Dunno, Kory. It hardly seems fair. (You're not going all Southern on me now, are you?)