Thursday, May 26, 2005

Oh, goody...

I get to keep my job, plus some. And all for the same salary I had before. With-- get this-- no upward career path!

But they didn't make me cry. Not yet...

Oh damn.


Jen said...

Ugh, I take it that it's slightly better than what you expected to hear but still pretty bad?

Scone said...

I was applying for the spot left vacant when our editor-in-chief resigned. I expected them to keep it to a lower-level position, maybe just "editor" or "managing editor" or something. The latter would have been a tiny step up from where I am now. But according to the people in charge, who have no idea what I do from day to day, decided I wasn't ready to make that leap. In fact, they're planning on flattening the entire structure and making everyone "equal"-- Kurt Vonnegut style. I could scream.

Unknown said...

Similar stuff is going on in my place of employment and it pisses off even those of us not directly involved.