Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Adventures (and Delirium) Continue

OK, so all my stuff is in the new apartment and most of it is put away; not bad. Our new town is even more peaceful and beautiful than the other one, and we just love it. Pirate Boy keeps begging me to take him fishing; he can see the lake from our upstairs window, and it's just teasing him apparently. Yeah, the kids are out of school and pretty happy about that. (Kindergarten graduation was the cutest thing in the world, let me tell you.)

In other news, I managed to get myself and the kids to Colorado and back without too much trouble, even in the stadium during commencement, which is very little short of a miracle. Certainly it's a miracle I'm deeply grateful for. Another one is that The Man seems to have actually graduated-- or will have, once he pays his debt to the school. Not too bad.

I haven't gotten much paying work accomplished lately, partly because of the aforementioned stuff and partly because of massive migraine attacks. I have been working as much as possible, but all that's going to change soon. My two paying jobs are about to end, and I have nothing else in sight. (So I guess my rent won't go up after all.) I have to admit being secretly pleased; I've been looking for a way to finish writing a novel or two, and now I don't have anything (except the kids) to distract me from that. You guys keep bugging me about it and maybe it'll get done.

But meanwhile, I've got this little bit of surgery tomorrow. Actually, it's a pretty big bit of surgery, but I should be feeling better in a few days. I hope. My kids are pretty worried I won't make it through, poor little guys. So, if you're the praying kind... for my kids' sake... drop God a line for me? Thanks.


Scone said...

For those of you who aren't my Facebook friends yet, I had my malfunctioning gall bladder out. I'm sure I'll feel much better once all these incisions heal up. But meanwhile, it's not too bad, compared to the pain I was already dealing with. Hallelujah!

Robert Kawalski said...

My queen,

You have always been a light to me, something to reach for and pray to. Even under the toughest of circumstances I kept hope that we would be together someday.

It wasn't supposed to end this way. I miss you so badly already.

Good night.

KoryO said...

Suzanne, I've been listening to a lot of the music that I never would have ever heard if it wasn't for you making me give 'em a chance. Thanks, YouTube!

But the one that is tearing me up right now, believe it or not, is a country song. I know you HATED country, but the lyrics.....the lyrics sound like they were written especially for you.

Just look around this room
So much of her remains
Her book is lying on the bed
The two of hearts to mark her page
Now who could ever walk away
At Chapter 21?

Tim McGraw, "Can't Be Really Gone"

Jack said...

Man, I really don't know what the right thing to say is, but feel like I ought to say something, know what I mean?

Goodbye? You are loved. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

No Reason said...

I miss you so much and need you now!-Sylvia

Yrsa Lindholm said...

Get well soon scone, hope you do recover, I'm also had vitamin b12 deficiency and I share the sentiment of having an ailment.

Robert Kawalski said...

I miss you so much. If there was ever a time I needed you...