Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Little Announcement

... on behalf of my dear sister Sylvia, who has (you may have noticed) been missing from blogland for the past several months. I haven't heard from her much myself, what with her crazy schedule and my crazy everything, but...

She called tonight to announce the birth of the newest denizen of Neverland: a healthy baby boy delivered (finally!) by c-section, much to the relief and pride of all involved. And there was much rejoicing.


Renee Nefe said...

Please send my congratulations to her! Wow! I had no idea that she was expecting...I guess that's part of why we didn't hear from her. lol!

No Reason said...

And we beameth with great joy and rejoicing. The last time I felt this feeling, a little 5 year old boy was jumping around me saying "Well, you're gonna marry my mom, duh!" Sylvia's house is a happy house, even though Sylvia is still recovering from her encounter with the delivery man.